Color Palette

You can find here a reference of all colors used in the themes.

Material themes

  • Oceanic

    Background: #263238

    Foreground: #B0BEC5

    Text: #607D8B

    Selection Background: #546E7A

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #2E3C43

    Second Background: #32424A

    Disabled: #415967

    Contrast: #1E272C

    Active: #314549

    Border: #2A373E

    Highlight: #425B67

    Tree: #546E7A70

    Notifications: #1E272C

    Accent Color: #009688

    Excluded Files Color: #2E3C43

    Green Color: #c3e88d

    Yellow Color: #ffcb6b

    Blue Color: #82aaff

    Red Color: #f07178

    Purple Color: #c792ea

    Orange Color: #f78c6c

    Cyan Color: #89ddff

    Gray Color: #546e7a

    White/Black Color: #eeffff

    Error Color: #ff5370

    Comments Color: #546e7a

    Variables Color: #eeffff

    Links Color: #80cbc4

    Functions Color: #82aaff

    Keywords Color: #c792ea

    Tags Color: #f07178

    Strings Color: #c3e88d

    Operators Color: #89ddff

    Attributes Color: #ffcb6b

    Numbers Color: #f78c6c

    Parameters Color: #f78c6c

  • Darker

    Background: #212121

    Foreground: #B0BEC5

    Text: #727272

    Selection Background: #404040

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #2A2A2A

    Second Background: #292929

    Disabled: #474747

    Contrast: #1A1A1A

    Active: #323232

    Border: #292929

    Highlight: #3F3F3F

    Tree: #323232C0

    Notifications: #1A1A1A

    Accent Color: #FF9800

    Excluded Files Color: #323232

    Green Color: #c3e88d

    Yellow Color: #ffcb6b

    Blue Color: #82aaff

    Red Color: #f07178

    Purple Color: #c792ea

    Orange Color: #f78c6c

    Cyan Color: #89ddff

    Gray Color: #616161

    White/Black Color: #eeffff

    Error Color: #ff5370

    Comments Color: #616161

    Variables Color: #eeffff

    Links Color: #80cbc4

    Functions Color: #82aaff

    Keywords Color: #c792ea

    Tags Color: #f07178

    Strings Color: #c3e88d

    Operators Color: #89ddff

    Attributes Color: #ffcb6b

    Numbers Color: #f78c6c

    Parameters Color: #f78c6c

  • Lighter

    Background: #FAFAFA

    Foreground: #546E7A

    Text: #94A7B0

    Selection Background: #80CBC440

    Selection Foreground: #546e7a

    Buttons: #F3F4F5

    Second Background: #FFFFFF

    Disabled: #D2D4D5

    Contrast: #EEEEEE

    Active: #E7E7E8

    Border: #d3e1e8

    Highlight: #E7E7E8

    Tree: #80CBC440

    Notifications: #eae8e8

    Accent Color: #00BCD4

    Excluded Files Color: #CCD7DA50

    Green Color: #91b859

    Yellow Color: #f6a434

    Blue Color: #6182b8

    Red Color: #e53935

    Purple Color: #7c4dff

    Orange Color: #f76d47

    Cyan Color: #39adb5

    Gray Color: #AABFC9

    White/Black Color: #272727

    Error Color: #e53935

    Comments Color: #AABFC9

    Variables Color: #272727

    Links Color: #39ADB5

    Functions Color: #6182B8

    Keywords Color: #7C4DFF

    Tags Color: #E53935

    Strings Color: #91B859

    Operators Color: #39ADB5

    Attributes Color: #F6A434

    Numbers Color: #F76D47

    Parameters Color: #F76D47

  • Palenight

    Background: #292D3E

    Foreground: #A6ACCD

    Text: #676E95

    Selection Background: #717CB470

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #303348

    Second Background: #34324a

    Disabled: #515772

    Contrast: #202331

    Active: #414863

    Border: #2b2a3e

    Highlight: #444267

    Tree: #676E95

    Notifications: #202331

    Accent Color: #ab47bc

    Excluded Files Color: #2f2e43

    Green Color: #c3e88d

    Yellow Color: #ffcb6b

    Blue Color: #82aaff

    Red Color: #f07178

    Purple Color: #c792ea

    Orange Color: #f78c6c

    Cyan Color: #89ddff

    Gray Color: #676E95

    White/Black Color: #eeffff

    Error Color: #ff5370

    Comments Color: #676E95

    Variables Color: #eeffff

    Links Color: #80cbc4

    Functions Color: #82aaff

    Keywords Color: #c792ea

    Tags Color: #f07178

    Strings Color: #c3e88d

    Operators Color: #89ddff

    Attributes Color: #ffcb6b

    Numbers Color: #f78c6c

    Parameters Color: #f78c6c

  • Deep ocean

    Background: #0F111A

    Foreground: #8F93A2

    Text: #4B526D

    Selection Background: #717CB480

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #191A21

    Second Background: #181A1F

    Disabled: #464B5D

    Contrast: #090B10

    Active: #1A1C25

    Border: #0F111A

    Highlight: #1F2233

    Tree: #717CB430

    Notifications: #090B10

    Accent Color: #84ffff

    Excluded Files Color: #292D3E

    Green Color: #c3e88d

    Yellow Color: #ffcb6b

    Blue Color: #82aaff

    Red Color: #f07178

    Purple Color: #c792ea

    Orange Color: #f78c6c

    Cyan Color: #89ddff

    Gray Color: #717CB4

    White/Black Color: #eeffff

    Error Color: #ff5370

    Comments Color: #717CB4

    Variables Color: #eeffff

    Links Color: #80cbc4

    Functions Color: #82aaff

    Keywords Color: #c792ea

    Tags Color: #f07178

    Strings Color: #c3e88d

    Operators Color: #89ddff

    Attributes Color: #ffcb6b

    Numbers Color: #f78c6c

    Parameters Color: #f78c6c

  • Forest

    Background: #002626

    Foreground: #B2C2B0

    Text: #49694D

    Selection Background: #1E611E

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #003535

    Second Background: #002E2E

    Disabled: #005454

    Contrast: #002020

    Active: #104110

    Border: #003838

    Highlight: #003F3F

    Tree: #32CD3250

    Notifications: #002020

    Accent Color: #FFCC80

    Excluded Files Color: #113711

    Green Color: #c3e88d

    Yellow Color: #ffcb6b

    Blue Color: #82aaff

    Red Color: #f07178

    Purple Color: #c792ea

    Orange Color: #f78c6c

    Cyan Color: #89ddff

    Gray Color: #005454

    White/Black Color: #eeffff

    Error Color: #ff5370

    Comments Color: #005454

    Variables Color: #eeffff

    Links Color: #80cbc4

    Functions Color: #82aaff

    Keywords Color: #c792ea

    Tags Color: #f07178

    Strings Color: #c3e88d

    Operators Color: #89ddff

    Attributes Color: #ffcb6b

    Numbers Color: #f78c6c

    Parameters Color: #f78c6c

  • Sky blue

    Background: #F5F5F5

    Foreground: #005761

    Text: #01579B

    Selection Background: #ade2eb

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #c9eef2

    Second Background: #e7f2f3

    Disabled: #e7f2f3

    Contrast: #E4F2F2

    Active: #caedf2

    Border: #d0edf1

    Highlight: #d1eafa

    Tree: #b6e1e780

    Notifications: #e0eff1

    Accent Color: #00c6e0

    Excluded Files Color: #c1def0

    Green Color: #91b859

    Yellow Color: #f6a434

    Blue Color: #6182b8

    Red Color: #e53935

    Purple Color: #7c4dff

    Orange Color: #f76d47

    Cyan Color: #39adb5

    Gray Color: #01579B

    White/Black Color: #272727

    Error Color: #e53935

    Comments Color: #01579B

    Variables Color: #272727

    Links Color: #39ADB5

    Functions Color: #6182B8

    Keywords Color: #7C4DFF

    Tags Color: #E53935

    Strings Color: #91B859

    Operators Color: #39ADB5

    Attributes Color: #F6A434

    Numbers Color: #F76D47

    Parameters Color: #F76D47

  • Sandy beach

    Background: #FFF8ED

    Foreground: #546E7A

    Text: #888477

    Selection Background: #e7c496

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #f6d7b0

    Second Background: #f6edda

    Disabled: #B8B6A5

    Contrast: #FFF3DB

    Active: #fef8ec

    Border: #f2edde

    Highlight: #fbf1df

    Tree: #e7c49680

    Notifications: #f6d7b0

    Accent Color: #53c7f0

    Excluded Files Color: #f2e7ca

    Green Color: #91b859

    Yellow Color: #f6a434

    Blue Color: #6182b8

    Red Color: #e53935

    Purple Color: #7c4dff

    Orange Color: #f76d47

    Cyan Color: #39adb5

    Gray Color: #888477

    White/Black Color: #272727

    Error Color: #e53935

    Comments Color: #888477

    Variables Color: #272727

    Links Color: #39ADB5

    Functions Color: #6182B8

    Keywords Color: #7C4DFF

    Tags Color: #E53935

    Strings Color: #91B859

    Operators Color: #39ADB5

    Attributes Color: #F6A434

    Numbers Color: #F76D47

    Parameters Color: #F76D47

  • Volcano

    Background: #390000

    Foreground: #ffeaea

    Text: #ffd0aa

    Selection Background: #750000

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #700000

    Second Background: #330000

    Disabled: #7f3c3c

    Contrast: #300000

    Active: #440000

    Border: #400000

    Highlight: #550000

    Tree: #77000050

    Notifications: #300a0a

    Accent Color: #00bcd4

    Excluded Files Color: #662222

    Green Color: #c3e88d

    Yellow Color: #ffcb6b

    Blue Color: #82aaff

    Red Color: #f07178

    Purple Color: #c792ea

    Orange Color: #f78c6c

    Cyan Color: #89ddff

    Gray Color: #7F6451

    White/Black Color: #eeffff

    Error Color: #ff5370

    Comments Color: #7F6451

    Variables Color: #eeffff

    Links Color: #80cbc4

    Functions Color: #82aaff

    Keywords Color: #c792ea

    Tags Color: #f07178

    Strings Color: #c3e88d

    Operators Color: #89ddff

    Attributes Color: #ffcb6b

    Numbers Color: #f78c6c

    Parameters Color: #f78c6c

  • Space

    Background: #1B2240

    Foreground: #efeff1

    Text: #959DAA

    Selection Background: #383f56

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #313852

    Second Background: #292f4d

    Disabled: #5A6270

    Contrast: #060F2F

    Active: #303c6a

    Border: #313852

    Highlight: #383f56

    Tree: #31385270

    Notifications: #080f30

    Accent Color: #ad9bf6

    Excluded Files Color: #2f1d76

    Green Color: #c3e88d

    Yellow Color: #ffcb6b

    Blue Color: #82aaff

    Red Color: #f07178

    Purple Color: #c792ea

    Orange Color: #f78c6c

    Cyan Color: #89ddff

    Gray Color: #959DAA

    White/Black Color: #eeffff

    Error Color: #ff5370

    Comments Color: #959DAA

    Variables Color: #eeffff

    Links Color: #80cbc4

    Functions Color: #82aaff

    Keywords Color: #c792ea

    Tags Color: #f07178

    Strings Color: #c3e88d

    Operators Color: #89ddff

    Attributes Color: #ffcb6b

    Numbers Color: #f78c6c

    Parameters Color: #f78c6c

Other themes

  • Monokai pro

    Background: #2D2A2E

    Foreground: #fcfcfa

    Text: #939293

    Selection Background: #6E6C6F

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #403E41

    Second Background: #403E41

    Disabled: #5b595c

    Contrast: #221F22

    Active: #4A474B

    Border: #2d2a2e

    Highlight: #5b595c

    Tree: #403E41

    Notifications: #363437

    Accent Color: #ffd866

    Excluded Files Color: #3a3a3c

    Green Color: #a9dc76

    Yellow Color: #ffd866

    Blue Color: #78dce8

    Red Color: #ff6188

    Purple Color: #ab9df2

    Orange Color: #f59762

    Cyan Color: #78dce8

    Gray Color: #727072

    White/Black Color: #fcfcfa

    Error Color: #f65f87

    Comments Color: #727072

    Variables Color: #FCFCFA

    Links Color: #78DCE8

    Functions Color: #A9DC76

    Keywords Color: #FF6188

    Tags Color: #FF6188

    Strings Color: #FFD866

    Operators Color: #FF6188

    Attributes Color: #78DCE8

    Numbers Color: #AB9DF2

    Parameters Color: #F59762

  • Dracula

    Background: #282A36

    Foreground: #F8F8F2

    Text: #6272A4

    Selection Background: #44475A

    Selection Foreground: #8BE9FD

    Buttons: #393C4B

    Second Background: #282A36

    Disabled: #6272A4

    Contrast: #191A21

    Active: #44475A

    Border: #21222C

    Highlight: #6272A4

    Tree: #44475A50

    Notifications: #1D2228

    Accent Color: #FF79C5

    Excluded Files Color: #313341

    Green Color: #8aff80

    Yellow Color: #feff80

    Blue Color: #79cbdc

    Red Color: #f780bf

    Purple Color: #9580ff

    Orange Color: #f89580

    Cyan Color: #80ffea

    Gray Color: #6272A4

    White/Black Color: #F8F8F2

    Error Color: #ff5555

    Comments Color: #6272A4

    Variables Color: #F8F8F2

    Links Color: #feff80

    Functions Color: #8aff80

    Keywords Color: #f780bf

    Tags Color: #f780bf

    Strings Color: #feff80

    Operators Color: #f780bf

    Attributes Color: #8aff80

    Numbers Color: #9580ff

    Parameters Color: #f89580

  • Github

    Background: #F7F8FA

    Foreground: #5B6168

    Text: #292D31

    Selection Background: #3A66D150

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #edf1f5

    Second Background: #F3f3f3

    Disabled: #9ba0a3

    Contrast: #fafbfc

    Active: #cce5ff

    Border: #DFE1E4

    Highlight: #CCE5FF

    Tree: #3A66D1

    Notifications: #DFECFE

    Accent Color: #79CB60

    Excluded Files Color: #dcdcdc

    Green Color: #22863a

    Yellow Color: #e36209

    Blue Color: #005cc5

    Red Color: #d73a49

    Purple Color: #6f42c1

    Orange Color: #e36209

    Cyan Color: #032F62

    Gray Color: #6A737D

    White/Black Color: #24292E

    Error Color: #d25252

    Comments Color: #6A737D

    Variables Color: #24292E

    Links Color: #005CC5

    Functions Color: #6F42C1

    Keywords Color: #D73A49

    Tags Color: #22863A

    Strings Color: #032F62

    Operators Color: #D73A49

    Attributes Color: #6F42C1

    Numbers Color: #005CC5

    Parameters Color: #E36209

  • Github dark

    Background: #24292e

    Foreground: #e1e4e8

    Text: #959da5

    Selection Background: #3392FF44

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #39414a

    Second Background: #2f363d

    Disabled: #6a737d

    Contrast: #1e2428

    Active: #2b3036

    Border: #1b1f23

    Highlight: #444d56

    Tree: #39414a

    Notifications: #2f363d

    Accent Color: #f9826c

    Excluded Files Color: #2f363d

    Green Color: #85e89d

    Yellow Color: #ffab70

    Blue Color: #79b8ff

    Red Color: #f97583

    Purple Color: #b392f0

    Orange Color: #ffab70

    Cyan Color: #79b8ff

    Gray Color: #959da5

    White/Black Color: #d1d5da

    Error Color: #f97583

    Comments Color: #959da5

    Variables Color: #d1d5da

    Links Color: #79b8ff

    Functions Color: #b392f0

    Keywords Color: #f97583

    Tags Color: #85e89d

    Strings Color: #79b8ff

    Operators Color: #f97583

    Attributes Color: #b392f0

    Numbers Color: #79b8ff

    Parameters Color: #ffab70

  • Arc dark

    Background: #2f343f

    Foreground: #D3DAE3

    Text: #8b9eb5

    Selection Background: #8888FF55

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #383C4A

    Second Background: #393f4c45

    Disabled: #D3DAE3

    Contrast: #262b33

    Active: #41416A

    Border: #404552

    Highlight: #393f4c

    Tree: #09477170

    Notifications: #262a33

    Accent Color: #42A5F5

    Excluded Files Color: #37373d

    Green Color: #8f9d6a

    Yellow Color: #f9ee98

    Blue Color: #7587a6

    Red Color: #cf6a4c

    Purple Color: #9b859d

    Orange Color: #cda869

    Cyan Color: #47bc9b

    Gray Color: #A7A7A7

    White/Black Color: #d3dae3

    Error Color: #cf6a4c

    Comments Color: #747c84

    Variables Color: #CF6A4C

    Links Color: #7587A6

    Functions Color: #7587A6

    Keywords Color: #9B859D

    Tags Color: #CF6A4C

    Strings Color: #8F9D6A

    Operators Color: #A7A7A7

    Attributes Color: #F9EE98

    Numbers Color: #CDA869

    Parameters Color: #CDA869

  • One dark

    Background: #282C34

    Foreground: #979FAD

    Text: #979FAD

    Selection Background: #4D515D

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #3A3F4B

    Second Background: #2F333D

    Disabled: #6B727D

    Contrast: #21252B

    Active: #383E49

    Border: #282C34

    Highlight: #383D48

    Tree: #3A3F4B80

    Notifications: #282C34

    Accent Color: #2979ff

    Excluded Files Color: #3c4150

    Green Color: #98c379

    Yellow Color: #e5c17c

    Blue Color: #61aeef

    Red Color: #e06c75

    Purple Color: #c679dd

    Orange Color: #d19a66

    Cyan Color: #57b6c2

    Gray Color: #59626f

    White/Black Color: #abb2bf

    Error Color: #e06c75

    Comments Color: #59626F

    Variables Color: #D19A66

    Links Color: #56B6C2

    Functions Color: #61AEEF

    Keywords Color: #C679DD

    Tags Color: #e06c75

    Strings Color: #98C379

    Operators Color: #61AFEF

    Attributes Color: #E5C17C

    Numbers Color: #D19A66

    Parameters Color: #ABB2BF

  • One light

    Background: #F4F4F4

    Foreground: #232324

    Text: #7f7f7f

    Selection Background: #FFFFFF

    Selection Foreground: #232324

    Buttons: #DBDBDC

    Second Background: #EAEAEB

    Disabled: #b8b8b9

    Contrast: #eaeaea

    Active: #DBDBDC

    Border: #DBDBDC

    Highlight: #FFFFFF

    Tree: #DBDBDC80

    Notifications: #F2F2F2

    Accent Color: #2979ff

    Excluded Files Color: #CACACB

    Green Color: #50a14e

    Yellow Color: #c18401

    Blue Color: #4078f2

    Red Color: #e4564a

    Purple Color: #a626a4

    Orange Color: #986801

    Cyan Color: #0184bc

    Gray Color: #a0a1a7

    White/Black Color: #232324

    Error Color: #e4564a

    Comments Color: #A0A1A7

    Variables Color: #986801

    Links Color: #0184BC

    Functions Color: #4078F2

    Keywords Color: #A626A4

    Tags Color: #E4564A

    Strings Color: #50A14E

    Operators Color: #4078F2

    Attributes Color: #C18401

    Numbers Color: #986801

    Parameters Color: #383A42

  • Solarized dark

    Background: #002B36

    Foreground: #839496

    Text: #586e75

    Selection Background: #2E4C52

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #073642

    Second Background: #003745

    Disabled: #2E5861

    Contrast: #00252E

    Active: #003946

    Border: #0D3640

    Highlight: #005a6f

    Tree: #2E4C5280

    Notifications: #2E4C52

    Accent Color: #d33682

    Excluded Files Color: #083F4D

    Green Color: #859900

    Yellow Color: #b58900

    Blue Color: #268bd2

    Red Color: #d13684

    Purple Color: #6c71c4

    Orange Color: #cb4b16

    Cyan Color: #2aa198

    Gray Color: #657B83

    White/Black Color: #93A1A1

    Error Color: #dc322f

    Comments Color: #657B83

    Variables Color: #268BD2

    Links Color: #268BD2

    Functions Color: #B58900

    Keywords Color: #859900

    Tags Color: #268BD2

    Strings Color: #2AA198

    Operators Color: #93A1A1

    Attributes Color: #B58900

    Numbers Color: #D33682

    Parameters Color: #93A1A1

  • Solarized light

    Background: #fdf6e3

    Foreground: #586e75

    Text: #93a1a1

    Selection Background: #e8dcb6

    Selection Foreground: #002b36

    Buttons: #d8d4c4

    Second Background: #F6F0DE

    Disabled: #C9CCC3

    Contrast: #eee8d5

    Active: #d1cbb8

    Border: #edead9

    Highlight: #d1cbb8

    Tree: #e8dcb6b0

    Notifications: #EDE8D4

    Accent Color: #d33682

    Excluded Files Color: #E3DCC9

    Green Color: #859900

    Yellow Color: #b58900

    Blue Color: #268bd2

    Red Color: #d13684

    Purple Color: #6c71c4

    Orange Color: #cb4b16

    Cyan Color: #2aa198

    Gray Color: #93A1A1

    White/Black Color: #657b83

    Error Color: #dc322f

    Comments Color: #93A1A1

    Variables Color: #268BD2

    Links Color: #268BD2

    Functions Color: #B58900

    Keywords Color: #859900

    Tags Color: #268BD2

    Strings Color: #2AA198

    Operators Color: #657B83

    Attributes Color: #657B83

    Numbers Color: #D33682

    Parameters Color: #657B83

  • Night owl

    Background: #011627

    Foreground: #d6deeb

    Text: #5f7e97

    Selection Background: #5f7e9790

    Selection Foreground: #FFFFFF

    Buttons: #0b253a

    Second Background: #0b2942

    Disabled: #697098

    Contrast: #010e1a

    Active: #13344f

    Border: #122d42

    Highlight: #084d81

    Tree: #13344f50

    Notifications: #01111d

    Accent Color: #7e57c2

    Excluded Files Color: #0e293f

    Green Color: #addb67

    Yellow Color: #ecc48d

    Blue Color: #82aaff

    Red Color: #ff6363

    Purple Color: #c792ea

    Orange Color: #f78c6c

    Cyan Color: #7fdbca

    Gray Color: #637777

    White/Black Color: #d6deeb

    Error Color: #ef5350

    Comments Color: #637777

    Variables Color: #addb67

    Links Color: #ecc48d

    Functions Color: #82aaff

    Keywords Color: #c792ea

    Tags Color: #7fdbca

    Strings Color: #ecc48d

    Operators Color: #c792ea

    Attributes Color: #addb67

    Numbers Color: #f78c6c

    Parameters Color: #d6deeb

  • Light owl

    Background: #F0F0F0

    Foreground: #403f53

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