A nifty useful page to showcase plugins and themes that are worth a look!
Recommended plugins page
The Material Theme UI is a great plugin, but there are also literally thousands of other plugins available in the Marketplace. Some are great, some not so much, but in any case it can be a little hard to get to find out the hidden pearls in this sea of available options.
Introducing the Recommended plugins: It’s another settings page found inside the Material Theme Settings that showcases a hand-picked list of useful plugins and remarkable themes for you to discover at a glance rather than navigating the whole sea of available plugins in the Marketplace.

Most of these plugins are UI-related, grouped into three sections:
- Recommended plugins: Hand-picked list of great plugins to use alongside the Material Theme UI.
- Material Plugins: These are the standalone paid plugins that you can buy separately instead of the main plugin.
- Great Themes: Curated list of amazing themes that can be sideloaded with the Material Theme UI.
Come take a look! And if you have other great recommendations, please post them on the chat or in the GitHub repo!
Oh and by the way: this is a purely subjective list! So please don’t be mad if a plugin you love isn’t on the list!
Title | Description |
Atom Material Icons | Replaces file, folders and UI icons |
Color Highlighter | Colorizes colors in different formats |
Extra Icons | An alternative File Icon Theme |
Foldable Project View | Fold ignored and specific directories in the Project View |
Image Icon Viewer | Preview Images directly in Project View and Tabs |
Project Color | Colorizes parts of the IDEs per project |
ProjectTree Color Highlighter | Apply background colors to specific folders |
Rainbow Brackets | Give brackets different colors by nesting level |
Status Bar File Name & Recent Files | Show the currently open file in the status bar |
Theme Randomizer | Pick a random theme at a set interval during the day |
Material Design Color Palette | Show a Material Design Color Palette |
Focus Mode | Focus current edited part of the code by making other parts dimmer |
Sloppy Focus | Focus editors on hover rather than on click |
ANSI Highlighter Premium | Renders ANSI codes in files |
Friendly Terminal | Add a better terminal and file explorer inside your IDE |
Inspection Lens | Display errors and warnings directly in the editor |
ScreenCodePro | Generate screenshots from your code |
AppCodeAssets | Easily manage your AppCode Assets |
Mike's IDEA Extensions | Improvements for Java, Kotlin and Android development |
HTML Attribute Folder | Automatically folds specific HTML attributes for a cleaner html |
Code Reactions | Add reactions to your code just like Slack or Discord! |
Translation | Add a popup window to translate text on the fly. Useful for translators! |
Denigma | Use machine learning to generate comments. |
File Expander2 | Preview archive files contents in the Project View |
Kotlin Extension Indexer | A nice utility to find Kotlin extension functions |
TypeWriter | TypeWriter is a plugin that makes your code look like it's being typed on the fly |
Extensions Manager (Paid) | A nice UI to view and manage your plugins inside a tool window |
StickyScroll | Add a panel on the top that keep the current scope you're scrolling into. |